Montenidoli, Canaiuolo Rosato 2023, Tuscany
6 in stock
Elisabetta and Sergio Fagiuoli came to Montenidoli in 1965, enticed there by the beauty of the 13th century paintings here. Elisabetta had the land in her blood, from being brought up in a family that cultivated vines and olive trees in Custoza since the 1700’s, and after spending her youth wandering the vineyards of Valpolicella. When they arrived at the vineyards, it was in total disrepair, serious work was needed. The vines were overgrown with brambles. They began by breaking up the earth to create hummus. They also raised earthworms and bred rabbits for their manure.
Montenidoli’s vineyards are organically grown. For fifty years no herbicide, insecticides or any other chemicals have been used. Work in the vineyard is vigorous and vines are monitored from the time the first buds appear in the spring, whereupon a preliminary selection of bunches is made. Before the invaiatura (or veraison) the grape bunches are checked. Grapes tend to be reach optimal maturity between the end of September and the first week of October. The harvest is by hand, with an initial selection of bunches, which are laid flat in small baskets for their trip to the winery.
Pearly-pink, almost translucent this is the most delicate and yet strong "rose" wine. The nose suggests crushed fresh rose petals, the mouth bristles with watermelon freshness and the finish mixes minerals and herbs for that bit extra. Ideal as an aperitif or with antipasti, prosciutto, bruschetta or light pastas. There is a slight effervescence when opening but this dissipates quickly.