Gonzalez Bastias, Naranjo 2022, Maule Valley
5 in stock
In 2013 Jose Luis met Daniela Lorenzo, an agronomist and viticulturalist in Santiago, she fell in love with the project and with Jose Luis! They now run the vineyards and winery together. Their objective is to live and work sustainably and look after their beautiful land and its history and traditions.
The vineyards are on the south bank of the Maule river, 44km inland from the Pacific in an area called the dry coastline or 'rulo'. Unlike some of the larger landowners in Maule and Bio Bio they haven’t grubbed up or re-grafted their 200 year old País bush vines for more ‘popular’ international varietals. They have also stuck with some of the traditional farming and vinification practices: the music, the food, and the philosophy of respecting nature and practicing agriculture as a part of life and not just a business. They aim to create a balanced ecosystem, their four hectares of vineyards are also home to fruit trees and wildlife. Sheep control the grass and provide natural fertiliser.
Naranjo (orange wine) is macerated with skins for 60 days, a traditional style in this region. Peach and orange peel on the nose. Juicy and fresh with a long tasty finish. Works well with spicy food, sweet and sour dishes and some desserts.
Pink Moscatel 40% Torontel 40% Pais 20%